Thursday Tips from the Beauty Therapist :Waxing

Oh Hi again everyone how are we all on this lovely Thursday?? 

I mentioned in Previous posts I started this blog to share all of my beauty therapy knowledge and not just do product reviews..being 10 years in the industry it's very much a constant learning experience. In those 10 years beauty trends come and go...Waxing how ever never changed and still remains one of the most popular treatments. So it popped into my head this morning that this would be the time of year I would always recommend clients to start waxing. if they haven't already or if they have fallen off the waxing wagon and quick fixed with shaving and want to get back on track! 
Why is this time of year good!? Well because we are less lightly to get the pins out as we are heading into cover up season, although I realise this is Ireland so most days are cover up season or duck for rain cover! I suppose even with our summers we can hope for a little sunshine so starting off on a new waxing mission is difficult as it's important not to cheat on your wax with shaving! 
If you can commit to waxing this time of the year also you will be really seeing the effects by the time bikini season roles around again and will hopefully have got into a routine. 

Once you get into waxing you will never look back the hairs grow back softer and finer as the hair is pulled out of the follicle as apposed to just being trimmed with shaving. Waxing does require commitment but it's so worth it I have seen amazing results over the years and persistence is the key! The first time you get waxed will always be the worst, nerves are always a big part of waxing but find someone you trust and for example im super chatty so it distracts my clients whether they like it or not!   
Waxing makes Tanning sooooo much better 

Here are some dos and dont's

Any questions just ask guys, Im going to put some of my top tips here on a Thursday so if you have any suggested topics do get in touch..meanwhile let me know if any of you get into waxing and If you want to commit to me for your waxing :) :) drop me a mail, I work in the Beautiful Health and Harmony Loughrea Wednesdays perfect for (Taning Thursdays) and Thursdays. here is the website Health and Harmony

Thanks for reading 

Ru :)x

The Beauty Kemple

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